The Office of Institutional Research & Analysis (IRA) ensures and promotes the integrity of college data and controls the release of statistical figures related to South Plains College (SPC)'s enrollment history, student directory releases, data used for academic planning and assessment processes, and information used for state and federal reporting. If the statistical information you are looking for cannot be found on our Statistical Snapshot page, please use the form below to request additional data or an ad hoc report from SPC's Office of Institutional Research & Analysis.
If you have any questions, or need any assistance filling out the form below, please contact Ryan Fitzgerald at extension 2542 or at
IRA staff are extremely cautious when it comes to the release of student data.
All external requests must adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Other than directory information, which may be released to the general public without
the written consent of the student, the college will not permit the
release of any educational records without the student’s written consent.