Mission Statement

South Plains College provides a quality learning environment. We are a comprehensive, public, open admissions community college that primarily serves a 15-county region comprising the southern portion of the Texas High Plains. We are committed to providing learning opportunities that are high quality, accessible, flexible, and affordable through academic transfer, technical-vocational, continuing education, workforce development and community service programs. We offer these programs in a learning environment that is innovative, stimulating, compassionate, safe, diverse and supportive of the community. We do so by employing dedicated and qualified teachers, staff members and administrators who deliver a broad and dynamic curriculum and quality student support services. Understanding the diverse needs of students and the community, South Plains College seeks to improve the lives of our students and prepare them for lifelong learning.

In order to accomplish its mission, South Plains College is committed to the following institutional purposes:

  1. To provide associate degree programs in the arts and sciences that successfully prepare students for university transfer into baccalaureate degree programs.
  2. To provide certificate and associate degree programs in technical and vocational education areas that equip students with skills, attitudes and aptitudes necessary for gainful employment, for professional certification or for advanced study.
  3. To provide students the opportunity to learn as a lifelong endeavor; to acquire skills for communications, critical thinking and problem-solving; to explore the use of technology; to express creativity; to experience leadership; and to grow socially.
  4. To provide developmental programs designed to assist those students who are underprepared for college and who need to develop college success skills.
  5. To provide flexible continuing education, adult literacy, and basic skills programs for individuals who wish to enrich their lives or who desire to upgrade existing knowledge and skills to meet new job demands.
  6. To provide workforce development programs, including specialized business and industrial training, which anticipate and address the specific needs of the global workplace.
  7. To increase student success by providing assessment, advisement and counseling services that assist students in clarifying personal, academic and career goals; by providing tutoring and other student support services; by providing enrollment, financial aid and job placement services; and by providing opportunities to participate in the academic and social life of the college through social activities, community cultural leadership and wellness-fitness services.
  8. To increase access to educational opportunities through distance learning, technology and other innovations.
  9. To listen actively to the needs of our constituents; to work in partnership with others to build communities; and to provide community service programs, cultural opportunities and activities that reflect the diversity of the region the college serves.
  10. To effectively develop, utilize and manage our resources and to continuously improve the quality of our processes.

Adopted by the South Plains College Board of Regents, November 11, 2004.