Institutional Effectiveness Committee
The purpose of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) is to advise, facilitate
and monitor the program of institutional effectiveness at South Plains College. This
committee is charged with the responsibility to assure the systematic integration
of planning and assessment at all levels; to coordinate the collection, analysis and
distribution of data useful for planning and decision-making; to develop and monitor
outcome measures of institutional effectiveness; and to facilitate and monitor compliance
with SACS accreditation requirements and standards.
The IEC is comprised of 24 appointed members with representation from instructional
divisions (12 appointed members), academic and student support services (6 appointed
members) and administrative support services (6 appointed members). Members are appointed
to the IEC by the President of the College as recommended by the Administrative Council.
The student representative is recommended by the Student Government Association and
the Director of Student Life. The Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Vice
President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, the Dean of Arts
and Sciences, the Dean of Technical Education, the Dean of Continuing and Distance
Education, the Dean of Health Sciences, the Associate Dean of Research and Reports,
and the President of the Faculty Senate are ex-officio members of the committee.
Length of Membership
All appointed members serve staggered four-year terms. Members may be appointed
for consecutive terms.
Chairperson: The chairperson is appointed by the President of the College for a two-year
term. The chairperson may serve consecutive terms.
Vice Chairperson: The vice chairperson is selected by the membership of the committee
for a two-year term. The vice chairperson works with the chairperson in coordinating
committee projects and assignments.
Recorder: The recorder is appointed by the Chairperson
The IEC meets at least two times in the fall and two times in the spring. The chairperson
may call other meetings as needed.