Table of Contents
Section A: District Legal Status, History and Purpose
Section B: Local Governance, Executive Functions and Organization
Section C: Business Services
Section D: Personnel
Section E: Faculty and Instruction
Section F: Student Information
Section G: Community and Government Relations
Section H: Support Services
The policies designated as (BL) in this manual constitute the By-Laws of the South
Plains College District and govern the actions of the Board of Regents and the officials
of the College. The policies designated as (BP) are official board policies that govern
the operation of the college. All other policies not designated as (BL) or (BP) represent
administrative policies that serve as detailed guidelines for the operation of the
college. (See Policy BF).
Section A: District Legal Status, History and Purpose
AA. College District Legal Status and History (BP)
AB. College Name (BP)
AC. System of Governance (BP)
AD. College District Geographic Boundaries and Service Area (BP)
AE. Educational Role and Mission, Purpose and Responsiblity (BP)
AF. Vision Statement and Organizational Values
Section B: Governance, Executive Functions and Organization
BA. Purpose, Powers and Responsibilities of the Board
BAB. Specific Duties of the Board (BL)
BAC. Rights and Responsibilities of the Board (BL)
BB. Eligibility and Qualifications for Serving on the Board of Regents (BL)
BBA. Election of Board Members (BL)
BBB. Orientation and Professional Development of Board Members (BL)
BBC. Election of Board Officers (BL)
BBD. Duties of the Chairman of the Board (BL)
BBE. Duties of the Vice Chairman (BL)
BBF. Duties of the Secretary (BL)
BC. Regular Board Meetings (BL)
BCA. Special Meetings (BL)
BCB. Official Business at Regular and Special Meetings (BL)
BCC. Quorum Necessary for Transaction of Business (BL)
BCD. Order of Business (BL)
BCE. Rules of Order (BL)
BCF. Public Participation (BL)
BD. Board Committees (BL)
BE. Conventions, Conferences and Workshops (BP)
BF. Policy and By-Law Development (BP)
BFA. Amendments to the By-Laws (BL)
BG. Board Member Statement of Ethics
BGA. Standards of Conduct and Conflict of Interest
BGAA. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
BGB. Code of Ethics (BP)
BH. Board Vacancies
BHA. Removal from Office
BI. Employment of the College President (BL)
BIA. Qualifications of the President (BP)
BIB. The College President as the Executive Officer (BP)
BIC. Evaluation of the President (BP)
BID. Administrative Organization Plan (BP)
BIDA. College Organizational Chart (PDF file opens with Acrobat Reader, 380kb)
BIE. Administrative Rules and Regulations (BP)
BIF. Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (BP)
BJA. Employment of Independent Auditor (BP)
BJB. Employment of College Attorney (BP)
BJC. Selection of Chief Tax Officials (BP)
BK. Relationship between South Plains College and the South Plains College Foundation, Inc. (BP)
BKA. Foundation Administration and Investment of Funds (BP)
BKB. Use of Employees or Property of the College by the Foundation (BP)
BKC. Officer/Director of the College (BP)
BKD. Acceptance of Gifts by the College (BP)
BL. Accreditation (BP)
BLA. Substantive Change
Executive Officers of the College
BMA. Vice President for Academic Affairs
BMB. Vice President for Student Affairs
BMC. Vice President for Finance and Administration
BMD. Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Instructional Deans of the College
BME. Dean of Arts and Sciences
BMF. Dean of Health Sciences
BMG. Dean of Technical Education
BMH. Dean of Continuing and Distance Education
Student Services Deans of the College
BMI. Dean of Enrollment Services
BMJ. Dean of Students
BMK. Associate Dean of Students
BN. Executive Council
BO. Administrative Council
BP. Advisory Board By-Laws
BQ. Technical Advisory Committee By-Laws
Section C: Business Services
CA. The College Budget (BP)
CB. Purchase of Supplies and Equipment for the College (BP)
CBA. Purchasing Operating Policy
CBA-E. Requisition to Purchase/Purchase Order
CBB-E. Price Quote/Bid Certificate
CBC-E. Request for Pre-Payment
CBD-E. Request for Reimbursement
CBE. Procurement Card Policy
CC. Service and Repair of College Equipment
CD. Use of College Facilities
See Policy GD Use of College Facilities, Including Athletic and Recreational Facilities (BP)
CE. Monthly Salary Payments
See Policy DR Compensation Schedule and Options (BP)
CF. Removal of College Property from Campus
See Policy GDB Loan or Rental of College-Owned Equipment and Tools (BP)
CG. Travel Policies and Procedures
CGA-E. Travel Request
CGB-E. Travel Voucher
CGC-E. Travel Report-Technical Division
CGD. Vehicle and Bus Driver Policy
CGD-E. Travel Expense Form
CGE. Travel Card Guide
CGE-E. Credit Card Report
CH. Joint Property Rights
CI. Telephone/Voice Mail Use
CIA. Guidelines for Setting up Voice Mail
CJ. Technology Acceptable Use Policy
CJ-E. E-mail Application
CJA. Electronic Messaging (all@SPC) Policy
CK. College Depository
CL. Disposal of Property
CM. Records Management Program
CMA. Records Management Schedule
CN. Internal Audits
CO. Collection of College Funds
CP. Inventory of College Equipment
CQ. Investment Management (BP)
CR. Architectural Styling, Naming of Buildings and Plaques
CS. Financial Management of Grant Funds
Section D: Personnel
DA. Affirmative Action Plan (BP)
DAA. Americans with Disabilities Act
DB. Non-Discrimination Policy (BP)
DBA. Protection of Rights and Development
DBC.Conflict of Interest Policy
DBC-E. Disclosure Form
DBD. Intellectual Property Policy
DBDA. Student Intellectual Property Rights
DBE. Copyright/Patent Fair Use Policy
DC. Grievance Procedure
DD. Replaced by DDA
DDA. Sexual Harassment Policy
DDB. Racial Harassment Policy
DDC. Due Process (Dismissal/Non-Renewal)
DDD. Corrective Action
DDE. Employee Conduct and Work Rules
DDEA. Smoking in the Workplace (See Policy GF)
DDF. Personal Appearance
DDG. Workplace Violence/Firearms (See Policy HHA)
DE. Substance Abuse Policy
DEA. Substance Abuse Program Implementation
DF. Employment Procedures
DFA-E. Personnel Requisition
DFB-E. Personnel Action Form
DFD-E. Affirmative Action Letter
DFE-E. Employment Application
DFEA-E. Supplement to Professional Application
DFF-E. Approval Notice and Status Change Notice
DFG-E. Application for Classified Positions
DFH-E. Part-Time Teaching Applicants
DFJ. Nepotism (BP)
DFK-E. Oath of Office Form
DFL. Definitions of Employement Status
DGA. Personnel Records and Privacy
DH. Employee Benefits Plan (BP)
DHA. Employee Benefits Program
DHAA. Sick Leave
DHB. Worker Compensation and Sick Leave
DHBA. Maintaining a Safe Work Environment
DHBB. Accident/Injury Reports
DHC. Disability Policy (BP)
DHDA. Family and Medical Leave of Absence
DHDA-E. FLMA Checklist
DHE. Personnel Leave
DHF. Bereavement Leave
DHG. Professional Development Travel (BP)
DHGA. Professional Leave Approval
DHH. Professional Development Leave, Faculty (See Section 5.4 of Faculty Handbook)
DHI. Leave of Absence (BP)
DHJ. Military Leave (BP)
DHK. Vacations
DHL. Jury Duty
DHM. Group Insurance
DHN. Tax Sheltered Annuity
DHNA. South Plains College Pension Trust Fund
DHOA. Payroll Deduction
DHP. Definitions of Payroll/Personnel Actions
DI. Retirement Policies
DIA. Texas Teacher Retirement System
DIB. Optional Retirement Program (BP)
DIC. Medical Benefits Following Retirement
DID. Retirement Recognition
DIDA-E. Retirement Award
DIE. Retiree use of College Facilities
DL. Outside Employment of Faculty and Staff (BP)
DM. University Interscholastic League (UIL) Assignments and Responsibilities
DN. Parking Permits
DO. College Keys
DOA-E. South Plains College Key Request Form
DP. Building Security
DQ. Personnel Classifications
DQA. Employee Handbook, General
DQG. Handbook Supplement, Classified Part-Time (Class A)
DQH. Handbook Supplement, Classified Part-Time (Class B)
DQI. Handbook Supplement, Classified Full-Time (Class C)
DQJ. Handbook Supplement, Maintenance and Custodial Personnel
DQK. Handbook Supplement, Police Officers
DQL. Handbook Supplement, Dorm Supervisor
DR. Compensation Schedule and Options (BP)
DRA. Salary Increases and Supplements (BP)
DRB. Holidays
DRC. Supplemental Pay Procedure for Exempt Employees
DRC-E. Exempt Employee Supplemental Pay Form
DT. Evaluation of Personnel
DTA. Evaluations- Administrators and Supervisors
DTA-E. Administrators and Supervisors Process Form
DTB. Faculty (See Section 3.4 Evaluation, Faculty Handbook)
DTC. Administrative Assistants and Clerks
DTC-E1. Personnel Assessment Process Form
DTC-E2. Physical Plant Personnel Performance Evaluation
DUA. Employee Service Awards
DXA. Exit Interviews
DXA-E. Employee Exit Interview Form
DY. Food and Drinks in Classrooms and Laboratories
DZ. Solicitation and Distribution
Section E: Faculty and Instruction
EA. Academic Freedom and Tenure (BP)
EB. Curriculum and Courses of Study (BP)
EC. Bible Instruction (BP)
ED. Honorary Degrees (BP)
EE. Faculty Handbook (BP)
EEA. Online Faculty Handbook
Section F: Student Information
FA. Admission to the College (BP)
FAA. Admission of International Students (BP)
FAB. Degree Limitation Statement
FAC. Academic Appeals Procedure
FAD. Student Records
FADA. Student Identification Number
FADB. Student Identity Verification
FB. Student Clubs and Organizations (BP)
FBA. Student Activities
FBAA. Calendar of Student Events
FBAB. Posting of Announcements and Signs
FBC. Student Newspaper (BP)
FBCA. Editorial and Advertising, Student Publications
FBD. On-Campus Speakers (BP)
FC. Intercollegiate Athletics (BP)
FCA. College Mascot (BP)
FCB. College Colors (BP)
FD. In-District Tuition (BP)
FDA. Waiver of Nonresident Tuition (BP)
FE. Travel by Student Groups
FF. Student Conduct and Discipline
FG. Student Substance Abuse Policy
FH. Sexual Harassment Policy
FI. Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team
FM. Student Grievance Procedure
FN. Compulsory Insurance for Students (BP)
FNA. Health Services
FO. Student Housing Policy (BP)
FOA. Student Housing Policy
FOB. Temporary Housing Assistance for Certain Students
FOC. Residential Housing Missing Student Notification Policy and
FP. Services for Students with Disabilities
FQ. Annual Public Notice
FR. Student Financial Aid
FS. Student Counseling Center
FT. Learning Resources
FW. Texas Success Initaitive (TSI)
FX. Student Correspondence Policy (Student E-Mail)
FY. Absences for Miliatry on Active Duty
Section G: Community and Government Relations
GA. Media Relations
GB. Crisis Management Plan
GC. Publications and Printing Policy
GD. Use of College Facilities, Including Athletic and Recreational Facilities (BP)
GDA. Use of Facilities in Time of Disaster (BP)
GBD. Loan or Rental of College-Owned Equipment and Tools
GDC. Facility Rental Policies
GE. Use of College Food Service (BP)
GF. Smoke Free Environment
GG. Communicable Disease Policy
GH. Senior Citizens Benefits
GI. Public Complaints and Hearings (BP)
Section H: Support Services
HA. Library
HB. Marketing and Recruitment
HBA. Planning Guide for Printing, Publications, and Web Pages
HBB. College Business Cards
HC. Continuing Education
HD. Administrative Computer Center
HE. Bookstore
HF. College Post Office
HG. Maintenance/Custodial Services
HH. Campus Security
HHA. Workplace Violence
HI. Health/Wellness Services-Levelland Campus
HJ. Food Service-Levelland Campus
HK. Severe Weather Procedures
HL. Copy Center and Reproduction Procedures
HM. College Vehicles
HN. College Web Site Policy
HO. College Stationery Policy
HP. College Logos
HQ. Photography Service
HR. Office of Human Resources
HS. Office of Development
HSA. Fundraising, Solicitation and Grant Writing
HSA-E. Fundraising Activity Approval Form
HSAA. Acceptance of Non-Cash Gifts
HSAA-E. Non-Cash GIft Acceptance Form
HT. New Student Relations
HU. Financial Aid Lender Relations Institutional Code of Conduct
HV. Data Governance Policy