Marketing and Recruitment Services

The Office of  Marketing and Recruitment functions as a primary source and clearinghouse for public information about the college. All requests for general information about the  college and inquiries from prospective students or other individuals and organizations should be directed to the Office of College Relations.

The Office of  Marketing and Recruitment is responsible for disseminating college information to the  news media for the purpose of publicizing and promoting the business of the  college. All college news releases are prepared and distributed through the  Office of Marketing and Recruitment , which is responsible for accuracy, acceptable  style, and uniformity of message.

The College  Relations staff actively solicits suggestions from departmental chairpersons,  faculty, administrators and staff members for designing outreach information  about college programs or services. When new courses or services are planned,  when activities of interest to the community are scheduled, when courses or  services are altered, when interesting students or projects are noted, when  faculty or staff deserve promotion, or when any happening of possible news or  promotional value occurs, a call to the Office of College Relations will help  inform the public about the college.

For most news  releases, a three-week advance notice is necessary to assure publication. To  request publicity through news articles to local newspapers, contact the  Coordinator of News and Information, ext. 2212.