Art Course Description

The purpose of the art curriculum is twofold: 1.) to provide the necessary educational background for the art major, art minor or the student interested in elective courses in the field of art, and 2.) to provide training opportunities for employment in the area of advertising art.

Students who wish to obtain the baccalaureate degree in art are encouraged to confer with one of the program advisors when planning a course of study at South Plains College since degree requirements at different universities vary considerably. The curriculum outlined below will satisfy the degree requirements of most universities. It meets all requirements for the Associate of Arts degree.

Students who wish to pursue the two-year program in Commercial Art should refer to the program of study outlined in the Technical Division.

Each student taking art courses is required to keep a portfolio of his/her work during a semester and present the portfolio for criticism before a final grade is issued by the instructor.

The letter grade “C” will be the minimum prerequisite grade for continuing studio courses in sequence.

Art majors may not transfer more than 30 semester credit hours in art or more than one-half of the art credits required for the baccalaureate degree. If any courses are transferred to a four-year college or university or if such courses are not specified in the degree program being pursued by the student at the four-year college or university, the courses may be counted as electives in the college or university degree curriculum. If the number of such courses exceeds the electives permitted in the student’s degree program, credit for such courses will be recorded on the student’s transcript but will not replace courses within the minimum hours required for the degree being pursued. Students in a public community college planning to draw heavily upon the courses in the list of electives would be well advised to consult the catalog of institutions to which they would propose to transfer. Always confer with your appointed advisor about such matters. Non-art majors may take art classes as an elective without the required prerequisite provided permission has been granted by the course instructor. Program Advisors are Allison Black, Angela Heath, Kara Donatelli, and Chris Adams.

for a complete degree plan, click here.