Law Enforcement

South Plains College Law Enforcement Training Center
1401 South College
Levelland Texas, 79336
Email Debbie Hale dhale{a)

Law Enforcement Continuing Education Courses:

Due to legislative changes, any officer holding an lntennediace Certificate or above is exempt from
taking Cultural Diversity and Special Investigative Topics. All officers are required to take
Course # 3181 "Legislative Update'' every two years and complete 40 hours of continuing education
every two years.

1. Field Training Officer <FTO) (#3702)
September 21-23, 2016 (24flrs.) 80111-Spm
SPC Law Enforcement Training Center- LE 107 (limit: 15)
Cost: $75.00- Register/Pay @ trainingr@tmpa .org or call (800) 848-2088


2. Public Information Officer Training (Introduction onlv) (#6038)
October 24, 2016 (4flrs.) 8am-12pm
SPC Law Enforcement Training Center- LE 1 16
Instructor: Aaron Sims- Texas Parks and Wildlife (limit: 20)
Cost: FREE - To register- email Debbie Hale


3. Bevond Off Dutv Survival- with Dave (aka: "Buck Savage") Smith and Betsv Smith October 25, 2016
(Bflrs.) 8am-5pm - ***Spouses are welcome to attend!*** SPC Levelland- Sundown Room (limit: 300)
Cost: FREE- Register on CLEAT website 10251600


4. Defensive Tactics: Gracie Survival Tactics (Ground Survival) (#2040)
November 4, 2016 (4 llrs.) 8am-12pm (wear workout clothing/ protective gear)

Instructor: Kenny Bums- SPC Law Enforcement
SPC Law Enforcement Training Center- OT Room (# I 07) (limit: 15)
Cost: FREE - To register- Debbie Hale


5. 84111
Legislative Update (#3184)
November 4. 2016 (4/1rs....) / pm- Spm
Instructor: Mark Wittie- SPC Law Enforcement
SPC Law Enforcement Training Center- Room LE 107
Cost: FREE- To register Debbie I lale dhale@southplainscollege. edu


To register contact, Debbie Hale, 806.716.2991.