The HART program is an intense curriculum that encompass a variety of fields. For
example mechanical knowledge is required to repair compressors, replace bearings
& other equipment. A knowledge of electrical/electronics is required to operate and
service various electrical equipment including high voltage (480 volts), low voltage
(24 volts) and direct digital controls (DC volts). Skill in the plumbing vocation
is necessary to braze or solder copper, metal and brass piping & fittings. The curriculum
also requires the study of the sciences of mathematics, chemistry and physics. |
Tool Requirements
During our Heating, AC, and Refrigeration courses students will be required to supply
their own set of tools, here is the list of tools that a student will have to purchase
and maintain.
The required tools for these courses are not limited to this list and students may
be required to purchase tools in addition to this list. |
- A refrigeration gauge manifold set. (Not automotive)
- An in-expensive voltage meter
- A refrigeration service wrench
- Assorted hand tools (screwdrivers, adjustable wrench, side cutter, pliers)
- 6" Adjustable Wrench
- 8" Adjustable Wrench [optional]
- 10" Adjustable Wrench
- 12" Adjustable Wrench [optional]
- #1 Phillips Screwdriver
- #2 Phillips Screwdriver
- #1 Standard Screwdriver
- #2 Standard Screwdriver
- Combination Box/Open End Wrench Set [3/8 to 7/8 in.]
- 6" Needle Nose Pliers
- 6" Diagonal Cutters
- 8" Lineman Pliers
- Socket Set [English and Metric]
- Nut Driver Set [3/16 to 1/2 in.]
- Allen Wrench Set [English and Metric]
- Flashlight
- Calculator
- Highlighter
- Standard Manifold Gauge Set With Hoses
- Volt-Amp-Ohm-Meter [Universal DCP 9 or Equal]
- Tube Cutter #274
- Flare Block and Yoke Assembly
- Pocket Thermometer
Students will have three weeks from the 1st day of class to acquire the tools. These
tools must be brought to the lab every lab period. The borrowing of other student’s
tools is not allowed. Students will receive a lab grade of Zero if they do not bring
their own tools. |