SPC Username and Password

You will receive your letter of acceptance to the email address you provide on your application for admission to South Plains College. (Please be sure to also check your Junk Mail.) Students will use the following login format:

Username Format: (must use all lowercase letters)
First letter of first name + Last name (not to exceed 19 characters) + Last 4-digits of Colleague Student ID
Password Format:
First letter of first name (capitalized) + First four letters of last name (lowercase) + $ + Last four of SSN + !
Example: Jsmit$1234!
Note: If no SSN was submitted, substitute 6 digit birthday (mmddyy) in place of the 4 digit SSN.
If having trouble logging in, please contact the SPC Help Desk at 806.716.2600.

Registration Instructions

  1. Login to MySPC account.
  2. Click on Texan Connect icon; then on Student Registration & Planning.
  3. Click Go to Plan & Register.
  4. Use Search bar at top-right corner to search for courses (ex. ENGL 1301)
    • For specific results, use Filter Results on left-hand side. For online dual credit coruess, please make sure to select Online Dual Credit under Locations section.
  5. When you find course, click View Available Sections button. This will allow you to add a specific section of the selected course to your schedule that meets your filtered criteria.
  6. A Section Details window will pop-up containing course information. Click Add Section on bottom right.
  7. After planning course(s), click Student Registration & Planning menu at the top left-hand of screen and select Plan & Schedule.
  8. Find the coures(s) on left of screen and click the green register button for each course.
    • Note: Courses in yellow indicate the course is planned but not registered. If you decide to drop a course during online registration period, you may do so by selecting the Drop button.

Printable Registration Instructions

Registration Instructions Video

How to Pay

Effective Spring 2020, each credit hour will be $60 (2 hrs = $120, 3 hours = $180).
Payment can be made online or through the SPC Business Office.


YOUR BILL CAN BE VIEWED IN TEXAN CONNECT, HERE: https://myspc.southplainscollege.edu.