logoWe believe that we are all in the business of education. Whether we teach someone how to register for classes or how to apply for financial aid, we all teach someone something. These events, individual and team, will give us all the opportunity to compete and earn points for our country/department.


There are team and individual challenges inside each module. We encourage "countries" to divide and conquer the tasks. 

Date   Theme
1-Jan 1 Training
22-Jan 2 Opening Ceremony
12-Feb 3 Olympic Village
26-Feb 4 Qualifiers
12-Mar 5 Rest and Recovery
9-Apr 6 Enhancing Performance
23-Apr 7 Judges

See Blackboard for Events and Deadlines



Points are awarded for participation and extra points can be earned for going above and beyond. There may also be prizes for individuals and countries with outstanding records.


We will post a leader board after each module so encourage the others in your "country" to participate!  Standings will be determined as a percentage of points possible from all the employees listed in your group.