Complaint and Incident Reporting


NOTE: This report will only be checked during regular business hours. 

For emergencies, please contact 911 immediately.

For all other non-emergency safety and security issues,
contact SPC Campus Police 806-716-2396.


South Plains College is concerned about the safety and well-being of all students, faculty, staff, and constituents.  In an effort open the lines of communication, we have created a series of incident report forms.   These forms provide an avenue for all faculty, staff, students, and concerned individuals to report the following types of incidents to SPC administration. 

Please note that a complaint is an allegation of improper, unfair, arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by college personnel. Students should attempt to resolve concerns informally before filing a complaint. Any student or group of students may file a complaint concerning any campus issue. The South Plains College Student Complaint Policy is described in detail in the Student Guide.

This information will be passed along to the respective department.  Incidents reported here may or may not include violations of the law or Code of Student Conduct.  





Last updated: 8/18/2022