updated 2/24

Professional Development | Spring 2020


Thursday, 26th | 2:30PM | Online

Collaborate: Syllabus and Gradebook

Join us to learn to how add a syllabus to Blackboard and how to manage your Gradebook through Blackboard. Bring a syllbus on a jump drive and lets learn together. Here are some step-by-step guides to help you until our workshop.

Use this link to join https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/67e5cb8d86b249c1bad7909dd6b37ffe 

Microsoft Office 365 Training Series | 9AM | TC 101

February 7th, 28th and March 27th

Join us as Michael Slaughter shows us how to become more productive and save time using Office 365.

March 27th | Launch Teams. Microsoft Teams is a hub for teamwork in Office 365. Keep all your team's chats, meetings, files, and apps together in one place. Learn More

Friday 27th | 12PM

Download Discussion

In the spring semester, flipping book club around, we want to introduce Downloads. Watch a video or listen to a podcast, then join with others to discuss the topics. Hosted by Emily Gilbert 

Join as as we discuss Ed Briceno's TedTalk about mindsets. Mrs. Gilbert shows that video the first day of class, and says that her "students love it". We're sure that you will love it too!


Friday 2nd and 3rd - Barry Bradford Title V Grant Speaker

Bradford is best known for leading national movements to reopen two cold cases from the Civil Rights Era – including the notorious “Mississippi Burning” case. His belief in the power of every individual to affect history, allows him to bring conviction and passion to the message of leadership and personal empowerment.


Friday 17th Blackboard Training : Reports and Data

In this workshop, you will learn what reports you can pull, how to read them, and how others are using them.

Friday 24th Service/Social

Celebrate Arbor Day with the Master Gardeners of Lubbock

TBD End of Semester Trivia and Treats