The Testing Center helps support the institutional mission of South Plains College by supporting student retention and success by providing examinations and resources to assist academic and professional advancement to students and externally to the community.  The Testing Center is committed to maintain the highest compliance with nationally recognized professional testing standards and practices, safeguarding confidentiality of student records, and creating an optimal testing environment. Within this framework, the Testing Center strives to:

  • Provide a public service by offering computer-based and/or paper-pencil testing services
  • Provide assistance to various campus offices in helping students meet their needs for different programs
  • Administer national and professional entrance, certification and advanced-standing examinations available to the college and community
  • Provide a facility conducive to a quality testing environment which will be clean, comfortable, quiet, aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly
  • Adhere to the National College Testing Association’s (NCTA’s) Professional Standards and Guidelines for Post-Secondary Test Centers

The Testing Center additionally supports student retention and success by:

  • Administering appropriate exams to determine initial course placement
  • Referring students to appropriate resources for test preparation and registration