DO. Facility Access



The term "key(s)" refers to physical keys and electronic access credentials. Electronic access credentials includes fobs,  access control cards, sensors, mobile applicaions, software, and all other items or technology designed to permit access to secured rooms or buildings. Keys to college rooms and buildings are issued on a restricted basis to full-time employees through the office of the Executive Director of Administrative Services. Electronic access credentials may be issued in lieu of physical keys.  Part-time employees shall be issued physical keys, only through their supervisor, who shall fill out the key request form and assume responsibility for the use and return of the keys. Part-time employees should turn in their keys to their departmental chairperson at the end of each semester. Part-time employees may receive electronic access credentials issued directly to them for areas of which they are permitted to access and that have electronic access control available.

College keys are the responsibility of the individual to whom they are issued. They may not be loaned, duplicated, or transferred to any other individual under any circumstances. Neither should keys be left in doors or placed where they might be stolen.


Key Request Forms for physical keys and electronic control credentials can be requested from the office of the Executive Director of Administrative Services. The form is to be completed and signed by the individual requesting keys, signed by the individual’s supervisor and returned Executive Director of Administrative Services for approval. Physical keys and records will then be prepared by the Director of Physical Plant who will notify the person requesting keys. Electronic access credentials will be provided by the Executive Director of Administrative Services or their designee.


Lost or stolen keys must be reported immediately to the Executive Director of Administrative Services. Business Replacement physical keys, fobs, access control cards, and any other physical device used to control electronic access will be provided for a charge of $10 per key. The replacement key request follows the same procedure on the initial request.


In the event of a lost or stolen key, the individual’s supervisor, and the Director of Physical Plant shall determine if a lock change is necessary. The cost of re-keying an area will be the responsibility of the person who lost their keys if it is proven to be through neglect, loaned or duplicated keys. A charge of $20 per lock will be made for changing locks. Electrnic access credentials can be elecronically terminated so that new locks are not required. In the event of loss of both an electronic access credential and a physical key, locks may require replacing for which the cost will be the responsibility of the person who lost their keys. 


South Plains College facilities have electronic access control permitted remote lock and unlock of facilties. The external doors of faclities may be placed on schedule of either unlocked or locked for specified dates and times. When unlocked, no electronic accesss credential is required to gain entry to a facility. When locked, a facility may still be access with a credentialed key fob as described in the "Request and Issue" section of this policy. Egress is permitted at all times. 


Each year, the Access Control Committee will be selected and chaird by the the Executive Director of Administrative Services. This committee will be a sub-comittee of the current Grounds and Building and Grounds Committee.

The members will include the Executive Director of Administrative Services, the Dean of Students, the Chief of Police, and the Campus Security Analysist as standing members defined as "Officers." The remaining posiitons are defined as "Facility Liaisons" and will be filled with members of the Building and Grounds Committee as selected by the Chairperson. 

The Facility Liaisons serve as an advisory body and communications link to the Officers of the Access Control Committee. Facility Liaisons will be responsible for providing schedules of facility hours open to the public for the purpose of creating electronic access control schedules refered to as "unlock - lock schedules." Faciliy Liaisons shall coordinate with Department Chairpersons of their assigned faciliies when creating schedules. 


Facility schedules for electronic access control shall be implemented by the Campus Security Analysist for South Plains College.

Only one Facility Liaison for each South Plains College facility is responsible for submitting the desired unlock – lock schedule to the Campus Security Analyst. 

Unlock - lock schedule changes will take 48 hours to be enacted and should be submitted with that time-line in consideration when planning for upcoming changes. 

Facility Liaisons should email unlock - lock status preferences for early closures and delays such as weather closures to the Campus Security Analyst on a per-event basis. 

Any individual other than a Facility Liaison requesting a unlock - lock schedule change will be referred to the correspnding Faciilty Liason for submission of the change requisition. 

Each facilty may have a different unlock - lock schedule based on the activity of the facilty. All exterior doors for a single facility shall maintain congruent schedules. 


For the purpose of this policy, the term lockdown refers to temporarily disengaging electronic access permissions to all or some individuals. A South Plains College facility, campus, center, and or all of South Plains College facilities may be remotely locked down in the event of an emergency for which the immediate securing of facilities is critical to the continued safety of occupants or to prevent access to the facility.

Only authorized individuals will be provided access to initiation an emergency lockdown.  Authorized individuals include those holding the following titles:

  • Campus Security Analyst
  • Emergency Management Coordinator
  • Executive Director of Administrative Services
  • Campus Police/ Security
  • Dean of Students
  • Dean or Executive Director of a Center or Campus


Revised 9/12/2023